
Canceled Events

If your event was canceled, in most cases you won't need to do a thing: we'll inform you of the cancellation and refund the amount you paid for your tickets, including all fees (except shipping and retail pickup) on the same payment method used for purchase. If you bought your tickets at a retail outlet, please return them at the same location.

Rescheduled Events

If your event was rescheduled, we'll contact you with the new date and time ASAP. Can't make it? The decision to issue refunds for rescheduled/postponed events is up to the individual artist, team, venue, or promoter, but we'll do everything we can to help! Just click here to contact us.

Replacement Tickets

If your tickets are lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, please contact us.

Refunds and Exchanges

There are No Refunds or Exchanges. But if something comes up closer to the event and you can't make it, we'll do everything in our power to assist, but we cannot guarantee that well be able to refund or exchange them.

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Wingate Arts Ltd. Hilton Garden Inn Niagara-on-the-Lake Canalside Restaurant DANIMA Millwork 4680Q Niagara online Radio Crawford, Smith & Swallow Big Texas Niagara
CogecoTv Rob Greatrix
All photos on our site were kindly donated by Jeff Ross, John Cavanaugh, Bill Proietti, Lisa MacIntosh, Stephen Wilde, Isabella D'Addio, Jill Lunn and Dave Rotella